Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Creating datasets from .csv files for molecular property prediction.

import dgl.backend as F
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import torch

from import save_graphs, load_graphs
from functools import partial

from import pmap
from ..utils.mol_to_graph import ToGraph, SMILESToBigraph

__all__ = ['MoleculeCSVDataset']

[docs]class MoleculeCSVDataset(object): """MoleculeCSVDataset This is a general class for loading molecular data from :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. In data pre-processing, we construct a binary mask indicating the existence of labels. All molecules are converted into DGLGraphs. After the first-time construction, the DGLGraphs can be saved for reloading so that we do not need to reconstruct them every time. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame Dataframe including smiles and labels. Can be loaded by pandas.read_csv(file_path). One column includes smiles and some other columns include labels. smiles_to_graph: callable, str -> DGLGraph A function turning a SMILES string into a DGLGraph. If None, it uses :func:`dgllife.utils.SMILESToBigraph` by default. node_featurizer : None or callable, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol -> dict Featurization for nodes like atoms in a molecule, which can be used to update ndata for a DGLGraph. edge_featurizer : None or callable, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol -> dict Featurization for edges like bonds in a molecule, which can be used to update edata for a DGLGraph. smiles_column: str Column name for smiles in ``df``. cache_file_path: str Path to store the preprocessed DGLGraphs. For example, this can be ``'dglgraph.bin'``. task_names : list of str or None, optional Columns in the data frame corresponding to real-valued labels. If None, we assume all columns except the smiles_column are labels. Default to None. load : bool, optional Whether to load the previously pre-processed dataset or pre-process from scratch. ``load`` should be False when we want to try different graph construction and featurization methods and need to preprocess from scratch. Default to False. log_every : bool, optional Print a message every time ``log_every`` molecules are processed. It only comes into effect when :attr:`n_jobs` is greater than 1. Default to 1000. init_mask : bool, optional Whether to initialize a binary mask indicating the existence of labels. Default to True. n_jobs : int, optional The maximum number of concurrently running jobs for graph construction and featurization, using joblib backend. Default to 1. error_log : str, optional Path to a CSV file of molecules that RDKit failed to parse. If not specified, the molecules will not be recorded. """ def __init__(self, df, smiles_to_graph=None, node_featurizer=None, edge_featurizer=None, smiles_column=None, cache_file_path=None, task_names=None, load=False, log_every=1000, init_mask=True, n_jobs=1, error_log=None): self.df = df self.smiles = self.df[smiles_column].tolist() if task_names is None: self.task_names = self.df.columns.drop([smiles_column]).tolist() else: self.task_names = task_names self.n_tasks = len(self.task_names) self.cache_file_path = cache_file_path if isinstance(smiles_to_graph, ToGraph): assert node_featurizer is None, \ 'Initialize smiles_to_graph object with node_featurizer=node_featurizer' assert edge_featurizer is None, \ 'Initialize smiles_to_graph object with edge_featurizer=edge_featurizer' elif smiles_to_graph is None: smiles_to_graph = SMILESToBigraph(node_featurizer=node_featurizer, edge_featurizer=edge_featurizer) else: smiles_to_graph = partial(smiles_to_graph, node_featurizer=node_featurizer, edge_featurizer=edge_featurizer) self._pre_process(smiles_to_graph, load, log_every, init_mask, n_jobs, error_log) # Only useful for binary classification tasks self._task_pos_weights = None def _pre_process(self, smiles_to_graph, load, log_every, init_mask, n_jobs, error_log): """Pre-process the dataset * Convert molecules from smiles format into DGLGraphs and featurize their atoms * Set missing labels to be 0 and use a binary masking matrix to mask them Parameters ---------- smiles_to_graph : callable, SMILES -> DGLGraph Function for converting a SMILES (str) into a DGLGraph. load : bool Whether to load the previously pre-processed dataset or pre-process from scratch. ``load`` should be False when we want to try different graph construction and featurization methods and need to preprocess from scratch. Default to True. log_every : bool Print a message every time ``log_every`` molecules are processed. It only comes into effect when :attr:`n_jobs` is greater than 1. init_mask : bool Whether to initialize a binary mask indicating the existence of labels. n_jobs : int Degree of parallelism for pre processing. Default to 1. error_log : str Path to a CSV file of molecules that RDKit failed to parse. If not specified, the molecules will not be recorded. """ if os.path.exists(self.cache_file_path) and load: # DGLGraphs have been constructed before, reload them print('Loading previously saved dgl graphs...') self.graphs, label_dict = load_graphs(self.cache_file_path) self.labels = label_dict['labels'] if init_mask: self.mask = label_dict['mask'] else: self.mask = None self.valid_ids = label_dict['valid_ids'].tolist() else: print('Processing dgl graphs from scratch...') if n_jobs > 1: self.graphs = pmap(smiles_to_graph, self.smiles, n_jobs=n_jobs) else: self.graphs = [] for i, s in enumerate(self.smiles): if (i + 1) % log_every == 0: print('Processing molecule {:d}/{:d}'.format(i+1, len(self))) self.graphs.append(smiles_to_graph(s)) # Keep only valid molecules self.valid_ids = [] graphs = [] failed_mols = [] for i, g in enumerate(self.graphs): if g is not None: self.valid_ids.append(i) graphs.append(g) else: failed_mols.append((i, self.smiles[i])) if error_log is not None: if len(failed_mols) > 0: failed_ids, failed_smis = map(list, zip(*failed_mols)) else: failed_ids, failed_smis = [], [] df = pd.DataFrame({'raw_id': failed_ids, 'smiles': failed_smis}) df.to_csv(error_log, index=False) self.graphs = graphs _label_values = self.df[self.task_names].values # np.nan_to_num will also turn inf into a very large number self.labels = F.zerocopy_from_numpy( np.nan_to_num(_label_values).astype(np.float32))[self.valid_ids] valid_ids = torch.tensor(self.valid_ids) if init_mask: self.mask = F.zerocopy_from_numpy( (~np.isnan(_label_values)).astype(np.float32))[self.valid_ids] save_graphs(self.cache_file_path, self.graphs, labels={'labels': self.labels, 'mask': self.mask, 'valid_ids': valid_ids}) else: self.mask = None save_graphs(self.cache_file_path, self.graphs, labels={'labels': self.labels, 'valid_ids': valid_ids}) self.smiles = [self.smiles[i] for i in self.valid_ids]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Get datapoint with index Parameters ---------- item : int Datapoint index Returns ------- str SMILES for the ith datapoint DGLGraph DGLGraph for the ith datapoint Tensor of dtype float32 and shape (T) Labels of the datapoint for all tasks Tensor of dtype float32 and shape (T), optional Binary masks indicating the existence of labels for all tasks. This is only generated when ``init_mask`` is True in the initialization. """ if self.mask is not None: return self.smiles[item], self.graphs[item], self.labels[item], self.mask[item] else: return self.smiles[item], self.graphs[item], self.labels[item]
[docs] def __len__(self): """Size for the dataset Returns ------- int Size for the dataset """ return len(self.smiles)
[docs] def task_pos_weights(self, indices): """Get weights for positive samples on each task This should only be used when all tasks are binary classification. It's quite common that the number of positive samples and the number of negative samples are significantly different for binary classification. To compensate for the class imbalance issue, we can weight each datapoint in loss computation. In particular, for each task we will set the weight of negative samples to be 1 and the weight of positive samples to be the number of negative samples divided by the number of positive samples. Parameters ---------- indices : 1D LongTensor The function will compute the weights on the data subset specified by the indices, e.g. the indices for the training set. Returns ------- Tensor of dtype float32 and shape (T) Weight of positive samples on all tasks """ task_pos_weights = torch.ones(self.labels.shape[1]) num_pos = F.sum(self.labels[indices], dim=0) num_indices = F.sum(self.mask[indices], dim=0) task_pos_weights[num_pos > 0] = ((num_indices - num_pos) / num_pos)[num_pos > 0] return task_pos_weights