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# Sider from MoleculeNet for the prediction of drug side-effects

import pandas as pd

from import get_download_dir, download, _get_dgl_url, extract_archive

from .csv_dataset import MoleculeCSVDataset

__all__ = ['SIDER']

[docs]class SIDER(MoleculeCSVDataset): r"""SIDER from MoleculeNet for the prediction of grouped drug side-effects Quoting [1], "The Side Effect Resource (SIDER) is a database of marketed drugs and adverse drug reactions (ADR). The version of the SIDER dataset in DeepChem has grouped drug side-effects into 27 system organ classes following MedDRA classifications measured for 1427 approved drugs (following previous usage)." References: * [1] MoleculeNet: A Benchmark for Molecular Machine Learning. * [2] DeepChem Parameters ---------- smiles_to_graph: callable, str -> DGLGraph A function turning a SMILES string into a DGLGraph. If None, it uses :func:`dgllife.utils.SMILESToBigraph` by default. node_featurizer : callable, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol -> dict Featurization for nodes like atoms in a molecule, which can be used to update ndata for a DGLGraph. Default to None. edge_featurizer : callable, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol -> dict Featurization for edges like bonds in a molecule, which can be used to update edata for a DGLGraph. Default to None. load : bool Whether to load the previously pre-processed dataset or pre-process from scratch. ``load`` should be False when we want to try different graph construction and featurization methods and need to preprocess from scratch. Default to False. log_every : bool Print a message every time ``log_every`` molecules are processed. Default to 1000. cache_file_path : str Path to the cached DGLGraphs, default to 'sider_dglgraph.bin'. n_jobs : int The maximum number of concurrently running jobs for graph construction and featurization, using joblib backend. Default to 1. Examples -------- >>> import torch >>> from import SIDER >>> from dgllife.utils import SMILESToBigraph, CanonicalAtomFeaturizer >>> smiles_to_g = SMILESToBigraph(node_featurizer=CanonicalAtomFeaturizer()) >>> dataset = SIDER(smiles_to_g) >>> # Get size of the dataset >>> len(dataset) 1427 >>> # Get the 0th datapoint, consisting of SMILES, DGLGraph, labels, and masks >>> dataset[0] ('C(CNCCNCCNCCN)N', Graph(num_nodes=13, num_edges=24, ndata_schemes={'h': Scheme(shape=(74,), dtype=torch.float32)} edata_schemes={}), tensor([1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0.]), tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])) To address the imbalance between positive and negative samples, we can re-weight positive samples for each task based on the training datapoints. >>> train_ids = torch.arange(500) >>> dataset.task_pos_weights(train_ids) tensor([ 1.1368, 0.4793, 49.0000, 0.7123, 0.2626, 0.5015, 0.1211, 5.2500, 0.4205, 1.0325, 3.1667, 0.1312, 3.9505, 5.9444, 0.3263, 0.7544, 0.0823, 4.9524, 0.3889, 0.3812, 0.4706, 0.6447, 11.5000, 1.4272, 0.5060, 0.1136, 0.5106]) """ def __init__(self, smiles_to_graph=None, node_featurizer=None, edge_featurizer=None, load=False, log_every=1000, cache_file_path='./sider_dglgraph.bin', n_jobs=1): self._url = 'dataset/' data_path = get_download_dir() + '/' dir_path = get_download_dir() + '/sider' download(_get_dgl_url(self._url), path=data_path, overwrite=False) extract_archive(data_path, dir_path) df = pd.read_csv(dir_path + '/sider.csv') super(SIDER, self).__init__(df=df, smiles_to_graph=smiles_to_graph, node_featurizer=node_featurizer, edge_featurizer=edge_featurizer, smiles_column='smiles', cache_file_path=cache_file_path, load=load, log_every=log_every, init_mask=True, n_jobs=n_jobs)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Get datapoint with index Parameters ---------- item : int Datapoint index Returns ------- str SMILES for the ith datapoint DGLGraph DGLGraph for the ith datapoint Tensor of dtype float32 and shape (T) Labels of the ith datapoint for all tasks. T for the number of tasks. Tensor of dtype float32 and shape (T) Binary masks of the ith datapoint indicating the existence of labels for all tasks. """ return self.smiles[item], self.graphs[item], self.labels[item], self.mask[item]