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# Molecular Fingerprint
# pylint: disable= no-member, arguments-differ, invalid-name
import dgl
import dgl.function as fn
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn import ModuleList
__all__ = ['NFGNN']
class NFLayer(nn.Module):
r"""Single convolutional layer from `Convolutional Networks on Graphs for Learning Molecular
Fingerprints <https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.09292>`__
NF stands for neural fingerprint.
in_feats : int
Number of input node features.
out_feats : int
Number of output node features.
max_degree : int, optional
The maximum node degree to consider when updating weights. Default to be 10.
activation : activation function, optional
Default to be None.
batchnorm : bool, optional
Whether to apply batch normalization to the output. Default to be True.
dropout : float, optional
The probability of dropout for the output. Default to be 0.
def __init__(self, in_feats, out_feats, max_degree=10, activation=None, batchnorm=True,
super(NFLayer, self).__init__()
self.in_feats = in_feats
self.out_feats = out_feats
self.activation = activation
self.max_degree = max_degree
self.lin_zero_deg = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats)
self.lins_l = ModuleList([nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats)
for _ in range(1, max_degree + 1)])
self.lins_r = ModuleList([nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats, bias=False)
for _ in range(1, max_degree + 1)])
if batchnorm:
self.bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(out_feats)
self.bn = None
if dropout > 0:
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout = None
def reset_parameters(self):
"""Reinitialize model parameters."""
for lin in self.lins_l:
for lin in self.lins_r:
if self.bn is not None:
def forward(self, g, g_self, feats, deg=None, max_deg=None, deg_membership=None):
"""Update node representations.
g : DGLGraph
DGLGraph for a batch of graphs
g_self : DGLGraph
DGLGraph for a batch of graphs with self loops added
feats : FloatTensor of shape (N, M1)
* N is the total number of nodes in the batch of graphs
* M1 is the input node feature size, which must match in_feats in initialization
deg : LongTensor of shape (N), optional
In-degrees of the nodes in the graph.
max_deg : int, optional
Max value in :attr:`deg`.
deg_membership : list of LongTensor, optional
deg_membership[i] gives a 1D LongTensor for the IDs of nodes with in-degree i.
new_feats : FloatTensor of shape (N, M2)
* M2 is the output node feature size, which must match out_feats in initialization
deg : LongTensor of shape (N)
In-degrees of the nodes in the graph.
max_deg : int
Max value in :attr:`deg`.
deg_membership : list of LongTensor
deg_membership[i] gives a 1D LongTensor for the IDs of nodes with in-degree i.
if deg is None:
deg = g.in_degrees().to(feats.device)
deg = deg.clamp(max=self.max_degree)
assert max_deg is None, 'Expect max_deg to be None when deg is None.'
if max_deg is None:
max_deg = deg.max().cpu().item()
if deg_membership is None:
deg_membership = [
(deg == i).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1) for i in range(max_deg + 1)
with g.local_scope():
# Message passing
g.ndata['h'] = feats
g.update_all(message_func=fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), reduce_func=fn.sum('m', 'h'))
h = g.ndata.pop('h')
out = h.new_empty(list(h.size())[:-1] + [self.out_feats])
# Case for degree 0
idx = deg_membership[0]
deg_out = self.lin_zero_deg(feats.index_select(0, idx))
out.index_copy_(0, idx, deg_out)
# Degree-based transformation
for i, (lin_l, lin_r) in enumerate(zip(self.lins_l, self.lins_r)):
current_deg = i + 1
if current_deg > max_deg:
idx = deg_membership[current_deg]
deg_out = lin_l(h.index_select(0, idx)) + lin_r(feats.index_select(0, idx))
out.index_copy_(0, idx, deg_out)
if self.activation is not None:
out = self.activation(out)
if self.bn is not None:
out = self.bn(out)
if self.dropout is not None:
out = self.dropout(out)
with g_self.local_scope():
g_self.ndata['h'] = out
g_self.update_all(message_func=fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), reduce_func=fn.max('m', 'h'))
out = g_self.ndata['h']
return out, deg, max_deg, deg_membership
[docs]class NFGNN(nn.Module):
r"""GNN from `Convolutional Networks on Graphs for Learning Molecular
Fingerprints <https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.09292>`__
NF stands for neural fingerprint.
in_feats : int
Number of input node features.
hidden_feats : list of int, optional
``hidden_feats[i]`` gives the size of node representations after the i-th NF layer.
``len(hidden_feats)`` equals the number of NF layers. By default, we use
``[64, 64]``.
max_degree : int
The maximum node degree to consider when updating weights. Default to be 10.
activation : list of activation functions or None
If not None, ``activation[i]`` gives the activation function to be used for
the i-th NF layer. ``len(activation)`` equals the number of NF layers.
By default, ReLU is applied for all NF layers.
batchnorm : list of bool, optional
``batchnorm[i]`` decides if batch normalization is to be applied on the output of
the i-th NF layer. ``len(batchnorm)`` equals the number of NF layers. By default,
batch normalization is applied for all NF layers.
dropout : list of float, optional
``dropout[i]`` decides the dropout to be applied on the output of the i-th NF layer.
``len(dropout)`` equals the number of NF layers. By default, dropout is not applied
for all NF layers.
def __init__(self, in_feats, hidden_feats=None, max_degree=10, activation=None,
batchnorm=None, dropout=None):
super(NFGNN, self).__init__()
if hidden_feats is None:
hidden_feats = [64, 64]
n_layers = len(hidden_feats)
if activation is None:
activation = [F.relu] * n_layers
if batchnorm is None:
batchnorm = [True] * n_layers
if dropout is None:
dropout = [0.] * n_layers
lengths = [len(hidden_feats), len(activation), len(batchnorm), len(dropout)]
assert len(set(lengths)) == 1, 'Expect the lengths of hidden_feats, activation, ' \
'batchnorm, and dropout to be the same, ' \
'got {}'.format(lengths)
self.hidden_feats = hidden_feats
self.gnn_layers = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(n_layers):
self.gnn_layers.append(NFLayer(in_feats, hidden_feats[i], max_degree, activation[i],
batchnorm[i], dropout[i]))
in_feats = hidden_feats[i]
[docs] def reset_parameters(self):
"""Reinitialize model parameters."""
for gnn in self.gnn_layers:
[docs] def forward(self, g, feats):
"""Update node representations.
g : DGLGraph
DGLGraph for a batch of graphs
feats : FloatTensor of shape (N, M1)
* N is the total number of nodes in the batch of graphs
* M1 is the input node feature size, which equals in_feats in initialization
feats : FloatTensor of shape (N, M2)
* N is the total number of nodes in the batch of graphs
* M2 is the output node representation size, which equals
hidden_sizes[-1] in initialization.
deg = None
max_deg = None
deg_membership = None
g_self = dgl.add_self_loop(g)
for gnn in self.gnn_layers:
feats, deg, max_deg, deg_membership = gnn(g, g_self, feats, deg,
max_deg, deg_membership)
return feats