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# GIN-based model for regression and classification on graphs.
# pylint: disable= no-member, arguments-differ, invalid-name
import torch.nn as nn
from dgl.nn.pytorch.glob import GlobalAttentionPooling, SumPooling, AvgPooling, MaxPooling, Set2Set
from ..gnn.gin import GIN
__all__ = ['GINPredictor']
# pylint: disable=W0221
[docs]class GINPredictor(nn.Module):
"""GIN-based model for regression and classification on graphs.
GIN was first introduced in `How Powerful Are Graph Neural Networks
<https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.00826>`__ for general graph property
prediction problems. It was further extended in `Strategies for
Pre-training Graph Neural Networks <https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.12265>`__
for pre-training and semi-supervised learning on large-scale datasets.
For classification tasks, the output will be logits, i.e. values before
sigmoid or softmax.
num_node_emb_list : list of int
num_node_emb_list[i] gives the number of items to embed for the
i-th categorical node feature variables. E.g. num_node_emb_list[0] can be
the number of atom types and num_node_emb_list[1] can be the number of
atom chirality types.
num_edge_emb_list : list of int
num_edge_emb_list[i] gives the number of items to embed for the
i-th categorical edge feature variables. E.g. num_edge_emb_list[0] can be
the number of bond types and num_edge_emb_list[1] can be the number of
bond direction types.
num_layers : int
Number of GIN layers to use. Default to 5.
emb_dim : int
The size of each embedding vector. Default to 300.
JK : str
JK for jumping knowledge as in `Representation Learning on Graphs with
Jumping Knowledge Networks <https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.03536>`__. It decides
how we are going to combine the all-layer node representations for the final output.
There can be four options for this argument, ``'concat'``, ``'last'``, ``'max'`` and
``'sum'``. Default to 'last'.
* ``'concat'``: concatenate the output node representations from all GIN layers
* ``'last'``: use the node representations from the last GIN layer
* ``'max'``: apply max pooling to the node representations across all GIN layers
* ``'sum'``: sum the output node representations from all GIN layers
dropout : float
Dropout to apply to the output of each GIN layer. Default to 0.5.
readout : str
Readout for computing graph representations out of node representations, which
can be ``'sum'``, ``'mean'``, ``'max'``, ``'attention'``, or ``'set2set'``. Default
to 'mean'.
n_tasks : int
Number of tasks, which is also the output size. Default to 1.
def __init__(self, num_node_emb_list, num_edge_emb_list, num_layers=5,
emb_dim=300, JK='last', dropout=0.5, readout='mean', n_tasks=1):
super(GINPredictor, self).__init__()
if num_layers < 2:
raise ValueError('Number of GNN layers must be greater '
'than 1, got {:d}'.format(num_layers))
self.gnn = GIN(num_node_emb_list=num_node_emb_list,
if readout == 'sum':
self.readout = SumPooling()
elif readout == 'mean':
self.readout = AvgPooling()
elif readout == 'max':
self.readout = MaxPooling()
elif readout == 'attention':
if JK == 'concat':
self.readout = GlobalAttentionPooling(
gate_nn=nn.Linear((num_layers + 1) * emb_dim, 1))
self.readout = GlobalAttentionPooling(
gate_nn=nn.Linear(emb_dim, 1))
elif readout == 'set2set':
self.readout = Set2Set()
raise ValueError("Expect readout to be 'sum', 'mean', "
"'max', 'attention' or 'set2set', got {}".format(readout))
if JK == 'concat':
self.predict = nn.Linear((num_layers + 1) * emb_dim, n_tasks)
self.predict = nn.Linear(emb_dim, n_tasks)
[docs] def forward(self, g, categorical_node_feats, categorical_edge_feats):
"""Graph-level regression/soft classification.
g : DGLGraph
DGLGraph for a batch of graphs
categorical_node_feats : list of LongTensor of shape (N)
* Input categorical node features
* len(categorical_node_feats) should be the same as len(num_node_emb_list)
* N is the total number of nodes in the batch of graphs
categorical_edge_feats : list of LongTensor of shape (E)
* Input categorical edge features
* len(categorical_edge_feats) should be the same as
len(num_edge_emb_list) in the arguments
* E is the total number of edges in the batch of graphs
FloatTensor of shape (B, n_tasks)
* Predictions on graphs
* B for the number of graphs in the batch
node_feats = self.gnn(g, categorical_node_feats, categorical_edge_feats)
graph_feats = self.readout(g, node_feats)
return self.predict(graph_feats)