Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Utils for RDKit, mostly adapted from DeepChem
# ("""
# pylint: disable= no-member, arguments-differ, invalid-name

import warnings

from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, cpu_count

    from rdkit import Chem
    from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
except ImportError:

__all__ = ['get_mol_3d_coordinates',

# pylint: disable=W0702
[docs]def get_mol_3d_coordinates(mol): """Get 3D coordinates of the molecule. This function requires that molecular conformation has been initialized. Parameters ---------- mol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol RDKit molecule instance. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of shape (N, 3) or None The 3D coordinates of atoms in the molecule. N for the number of atoms in the molecule. For failures in getting the conformations, None will be returned. Examples -------- An error will occur in the example below since the molecule object does not carry conformation information. >>> from rdkit import Chem >>> from dgllife.utils import get_mol_3d_coordinates >>> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CCO') Below we give a working example based on molecule conformation initialized from calculation. >>> from rdkit.Chem import AllChem >>> AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol) >>> AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(mol) >>> coords = get_mol_3d_coordinates(mol) >>> print(coords) array([[ 1.20967478, -0.25802181, 0. ], [-0.05021255, 0.57068079, 0. ], [-1.15946223, -0.31265898, 0. ]]) """ try: conf = mol.GetConformer() conf_num_atoms = conf.GetNumAtoms() mol_num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms() assert mol_num_atoms == conf_num_atoms, \ 'Expect the number of atoms in the molecule and its conformation ' \ 'to be the same, got {:d} and {:d}'.format(mol_num_atoms, conf_num_atoms) return conf.GetPositions() except: warnings.warn('Unable to get conformation of the molecule.') return None
# pylint: disable=E1101
[docs]def load_molecule(molecule_file, sanitize=False, calc_charges=False, remove_hs=False, use_conformation=True): """Load a molecule from a file of format ``.mol2`` or ``.sdf`` or ``.pdbqt`` or ``.pdb``. Parameters ---------- molecule_file : str Path to file for storing a molecule, which can be of format ``.mol2`` or ``.sdf`` or ``.pdbqt`` or ``.pdb``. sanitize : bool Whether sanitization is performed in initializing RDKit molecule instances. See for details of the sanitization. Default to False. calc_charges : bool Whether to add Gasteiger charges via RDKit. Setting this to be True will enforce ``sanitize`` to be True. Default to False. remove_hs : bool Whether to remove hydrogens via RDKit. Note that removing hydrogens can be quite slow for large molecules. Default to False. use_conformation : bool Whether we need to extract molecular conformation from proteins and ligands. Default to True. Returns ------- mol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol RDKit molecule instance for the loaded molecule. coordinates : np.ndarray of shape (N, 3) or None The 3D coordinates of atoms in the molecule. N for the number of atoms in the molecule. None will be returned if ``use_conformation`` is False or we failed to get conformation information. """ if molecule_file.endswith('.mol2'): mol = Chem.MolFromMol2File(molecule_file, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) elif molecule_file.endswith('.sdf'): supplier = Chem.SDMolSupplier(molecule_file, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) mol = supplier[0] elif molecule_file.endswith('.pdbqt'): with open(molecule_file) as file: pdbqt_data = file.readlines() pdb_block = '' for line in pdbqt_data: pdb_block += '{}\n'.format(line[:66]) mol = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(pdb_block, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) elif molecule_file.endswith('.pdb'): mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(molecule_file, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) else: return ValueError('Expect the format of the molecule_file to be ' 'one of .mol2, .sdf, .pdbqt and .pdb, got {}'.format(molecule_file)) try: if sanitize or calc_charges: Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) if calc_charges: # Compute Gasteiger charges on the molecule. try: AllChem.ComputeGasteigerCharges(mol) except: warnings.warn('Unable to compute charges for the molecule.') if remove_hs: mol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol, sanitize=sanitize) except: return None, None if use_conformation: coordinates = get_mol_3d_coordinates(mol) else: coordinates = None return mol, coordinates
[docs]def multiprocess_load_molecules(files, sanitize=False, calc_charges=False, remove_hs=False, use_conformation=True, num_processes=2): """Load molecules from files with multiprocessing, which can be of format ``.mol2`` or ``.sdf`` or ``.pdbqt`` or ``.pdb``. Parameters ---------- files : list of str Each element is a path to a file storing a molecule, which can be of format ``.mol2``, ``.sdf``, ``.pdbqt``, or ``.pdb``. sanitize : bool Whether sanitization is performed in initializing RDKit molecule instances. See for details of the sanitization. Default to False. calc_charges : bool Whether to add Gasteiger charges via RDKit. Setting this to be True will enforce ``sanitize`` to be True. Default to False. remove_hs : bool Whether to remove hydrogens via RDKit. Note that removing hydrogens can be quite slow for large molecules. Default to False. use_conformation : bool Whether we need to extract molecular conformation from proteins and ligands. Default to True. num_processes : int or None Number of worker processes to use. If None, then we will use the number of CPUs in the systetm. Default to 2. Returns ------- list of 2-tuples The first element of each 2-tuple is an RDKit molecule instance. The second element of each 2-tuple is the 3D atom coordinates of the corresponding molecule if use_conformation is True and the coordinates has been successfully loaded. Otherwise, it will be None. """ if num_processes == 1: mols_loaded = [] for f in files: mols_loaded.append(load_molecule( f, sanitize=sanitize, calc_charges=calc_charges, remove_hs=remove_hs, use_conformation=use_conformation)) else: with Pool(processes=num_processes) as pool: mols_loaded = pool.map_async(partial( load_molecule, sanitize=sanitize, calc_charges=calc_charges, remove_hs=remove_hs, use_conformation=use_conformation), files) mols_loaded = mols_loaded.get() return mols_loaded
[docs]def load_smiles_from_txt(file): """Load SMILES from a txt file. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to a txt file where each line has a SMILES string. Returns ------- list of str List of SMILES """ smiles = [] with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): smiles.append(line.strip()) return smiles
def pmap(pickleable_fn, data, n_jobs=None, verbose=1, **kwargs): """Parallel map using joblib. Parameters ---------- pickleable_fn : callable Function to map over data. data : iterable Data over which we want to parallelize the function call. n_jobs : int, optional The maximum number of concurrently running jobs. By default, it is one less than the number of CPUs. verbose: int, optional The verbosity level. If nonzero, the function prints the progress messages. The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level. If above 10, it reports all iterations. If above 50, it sends the output to stdout. kwargs Additional arguments for :attr:`pickleable_fn`. Returns ------- list The i-th element of the list corresponds to the output of applying :attr:`pickleable_fn` to :attr:`data[i]`. """ if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = cpu_count() - 1 return Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)( delayed(pickleable_fn)(d, **kwargs) for d in data )