.. _apimodelreadout: Readout for Computing Graph Representations =========================================== After updating node/edge representations with graph neural networks (GNNs), a common operation is to compute graph representations out of updated node/edge representations. For example, we need to compute molecular representations out of atom/bond representations in molecular property prediction. We call the various modules for computing graph-level representations **readout** as in Neural Message Passing for Quantum Chemistry and this section lists the readout modules implemented in DGL-LifeSci. .. contents:: Contents :local: AttentiveFP Readout ------------------- .. automodule:: dgllife.model.readout.attentivefp_readout :members: MLP Readout ----------- .. automodule:: dgllife.model.readout.mlp_readout :members: Weighted Sum and Max Readout ---------------------------- .. automodule:: dgllife.model.readout.weighted_sum_and_max :members: Weave Readout ------------- .. automodule:: dgllife.model.readout.weave_readout :members: